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AUTO RAIL FORWARDERSTERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SHIPMENTIn order to fully understand the rights and privileges you have as our valued customer we urge you to carefully read the following Terms and Conditions before shipping your vehicle. 1. AutoRail and its drivers jointly and separately are authorized by the vehicle owner to operate and transport the motor vehicle between its pick-up location and the destination set forth on the invoice and to deliver the vehicle to the consignee at the specified destination. AutoRail will route vehicles from origin to destination. 2. While in transit and in the custody of AutoRail or its agents, the vehicle must be covered under the owners insurance policy as mandated by provincial and state regulations through which the vehicle may be transported. While in transit, the vehicle may be covered under various Cargo Insurance arrangements of our sub carriers and agents. You may elect to purchase additional cargo insurance to cover any gaps in Cargo Insurance. This additional insurance, at an additional cost, is available through AutoRail upon request. NOTE: Autorail does not cover the following while the vehicle is being shipped: under carriage, interior, mechanical / electrical items. 3. While in transit, older vehicles or vehicles in exceptional condition can be insured for a higher value if a written appraisal for the value is faxed to our office prior to the time of shipment. 4. Unless otherwise stated, AutoRail will assume that the vehicle under transport has been fully serviced, is fully insured, and is ready for shipment and that the owner assures AutoRail that no mechanical or structural defects exist which would in any way limit the safe operation and/or transportation of the vehicle. AutoRail disclaims any liability for normal road hazards, acts of God or any mechanical or structural defects. We suggest that the vehicle be washed and waxed prior to delivery to Autorail for shipment, in order to help protect the vehicle from the elements en route. 5. AutoRail agrees to hold the vehicle under your insurance policy while in our storage facility for further shipment to its final destination, but liability is limited to the Cargo Insurance arrangements of our sub Carriers and Agents while in transit as Cargo, in the event of train derailment, train fire, while being transported by Truck; and major auto collision, unless the vehicle is older than 20 years. It is agreed that while the vehicle is being driven, to or from our terminal location by Autorail staff or authorized AutoRail agent’s , the owners insurance shall apply and be in force and cover any damages to the extent of that said policy’s limitations. The customer also acknowledges that any storage on AutoRail or its Agents premises is provided under the Warehouseman’s Lien Act. 6. The owner agrees to permit AutoRail and its agents to make adjustments, repairs or service calls up to $150.00 that may be necessary while the vehicle is in transit. AutoRail will seek the owner’s approval prior to making any necessary repairs valued at more than $150.00. The vehicle owner will reimburse AutoRail for the cost of repairs on or before the time of delivery. AutoRail will impose a $75.00 service charge for any vehicle that becomes a non-runner while in our possession. Prices quoted by AutoRail do not include lubrication service, oil, maintenance, repairs or replacement parts. Quoted rates also do not include any special licenses, permits, and caravan fees, towing fees or brokerage fees that may be incurred as a result of importing or exporting a vehicle to or from Canada. 7. The owner agrees that AutoRail and its agents are not responsible for vehicles that have been modified from the original manufacture’s specifications, as well we are not responsible for environmental pollution, exhaust systems, antennas, wheel alignments, emergency brakes, windshield chips, wiring, mechanical or manufacturers’ defects, corroded parts, loose or broken parts, after-market accessories, roof racks and storage containers, and items mounted on/under the dash. Personal belongings placed in the trunk, at which additional charges may be assessed for weight restrictions, are not permitted unless authorized by AutoRail. We suggest that you place hub caps, bras and other detachable items in the trunk of your vehicle for shipment and lower/store the antenna in the trunk. Aftermarket keyless entry and alarm systems should be disabled if possible. 8. Any claim for damage must be noted at the time of vehicle release and AutoRail must be notified by fax at 1-800-204-4181 within 12 hours of release if any claim for damage is pending. The owner of the vehicle will be sent the Claim Filing Procedure, which must be followed in order to receive any compensation. Items attached to the vehicle, which are damaged or stolen, will be assessed at the depreciated value using estimates from an authorized dealer. AutoRail imposes a $250.00 deductible on any claim.9. The owner is responsible for insuring that none of the following items are in the vehicle during shipment: personal belongings/effects, narcotics, medication, ammunitions, guns, money, articles of unusual value, contraband, negotiable and legal paper, gems or jewellery, objects of art, beer/wine/liquor, optical goods, live plants/animals, flammable goods, etc. Any personal items left in the vehicle are not insured. 10. The vehicle owner will make sure that the vehicle is maintained with sufficient permanent anti-freeze protection. Failure to do so will absolve AutoRail from any liability in connection with damage to the engine or any other part of the vehicle and will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner or his/hers insurance. The gas tank should be half full, in order for us to run the vehicle for a period of time in preparation for the loading process. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for insufficient fuel in the tank. Please inform us of any special security features, starting instructions, or details pertinent to the handling of your vehicle. It is important to note that in some cases where a vehicle does not offer proper tie downs, the vehicle may be tied down by the frame or suspension components of the vehicle. 11. AutoRail and its agents are restricted, for safety reasons from travelling in residential areas and therefore prefer to pick-up vehicles in a commercial zone such as an auto dealer. However, the owner acknowledges that an authorized agent of AutoRail can pick up/deliver the vehicle. Any damages that may result from an event where the vehicle in transit becomes non running and requires to be pushed, pulled or towed on or off our equipment, are the responsibility of the owners and his insurer. 12. AutoRail agrees to transport your vehicle as promptly as possible in accordance with your instructions but, due to circumstances beyond our control, cannot guarantee an exact delivery time. AutoRail does not pay for vehicle rentals unless they are pre-approved by AutoRail, nor shall it be liable for any non-use of your vehicle. For shipments across the international border, documentation including: vehicle registration, vehicle title, manufacture letter of conformity and a Bill of Sale (and if applicable copies of Passports and Visa documents), must be provided in advance of vehicle shipment. If at any time a vehicle is held up at the border or at a bonded warehouse due to inefficient documentation, a daily storage and pick up fee will apply. 13. Payment can be prepaid by personal cheque, cash, money order, direct deposit, or credit card (credit card use will incur a small service fee). Vehicles will not be shipped until the tariff has been paid in full unless alternate arrangements have been made with AutoRail customer service representative. Any questions contact Head Office at Ph: 1-800-387-9000,
Fx: 1-800-204-4181, Email: info@autorail.com
Updated Feb 5, 2008 12:00 pm